
Name Author: Hoyam Hayik

Towards an effective measurement of the maturity of knowledge management in institutions

With the launch of many national strategic visions for many countries in our Arab world; Saudi Vision 2030, Egypt Vision 2030, Emirates Vision 2030, Qatar Vision 2030, Bahrain 2030, Kuwait Vision 2035, Oman Vision 2040, and the economic momentum accompanying the launch of each of these visions supports the principles and goals of sustainable development referred to by the United Nations. . .


How to build a technology roadmap in organizations to accelerate digital transformation

A technology roadmap is a plan that outlines the steps an organization must take in order to achieve its technology goals. It can be used to guide the development of new technology, or to help an organization get the most out of existing technology. A roadmap can be used to prioritize investments in technology, allocate resources, and coordinate the development and implementation of new technology. It is a living document that must be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and in line with the goals of the organization.

The Technology Roadmap helps guide an organization's digital transformation efforts by defining technology goals and strategies that will support the organization's mission, goals, and priorities for its technology projects and allocating resources appropriately, ensuring that the organization has the necessary infrastructure and capabilities to support its digital transformation initiatives. In addition, a technology roadmap can help them keep abreast of new technologies and anticipate future developments, allowing them to continually improve and evolve their technology offerings as they digitally transform themselves.

Components of the digital transformation technology roadmap

There are several components that can be included in a digital transformation technology roadmap:

Goals and objectives:
The goal of the Digital Transformation Technology Roadmap is to help academic institutions effectively integrate digital technologies into all their operations, in order to become more efficient, agile, and innovative, and to better meet the needs and expectations of their customers and stakeholders.

By following a digital transformation technology roadmap, an organization can navigate the process of integrating digital technologies into its operations, and realize the benefits of digital transformation.

The goals and objectives of a digital transformation technology roadmap vary depending on the specific needs and goals of the organization, but some common goals include:

Streamline and automate processes: Technology can be used to automate manual tasks and streamline processes, freeing up time and resources for more strategic activities.

Improving customer experience: By leveraging technology, organizations can provide personalized and seamless customer experiences and improve customer satisfaction.

Enhance collaboration and communication: Digital tools can facilitate better communication and collaboration among team members, improving productivity and decision-making.

Driving innovation and growth: By adopting new technologies, a competitive advantage can be gained and growth driven through new products and services.

Reduce costs: Technology can be used to improve efficiency and reduce the need for manual labor, resulting in cost savings.

Enhanced security and data protection: By applying the right technology, organizations can improve the security of their systems and protect sensitive data from cyber threats.

Evaluate the current situation:
Assessing the current situation is an important component of the digital transformation technology roadmap. It involves analyzing an organization's existing systems, processes, and technologies, and identifying areas where digital technologies can be used to improve efficiency, agility, and innovation. A condition assessment must take into account the organization's business goals and objectives, as well as the needs and expectations of clients and stakeholders. It should also take into account the organization's existing technological infrastructure and the skills and capabilities of its employees.

To conduct an assessment of the current situation, the organization may use a variety of tools and techniques, such as gap analysis, process mapping, and stakeholder interviews. The results of the assessment should be used to identify opportunities for digital transformation, as well as any challenges or limitations that may need to be addressed.

See the target state:
A target state vision for a digital transformation technology roadmap is a description of an organization's desired technology infrastructure and capabilities after digital transformation is complete. This vision should be based on the goals and objectives outlined in a roadmap. In a target state vision, it is important to consider the long-term sustainability of the technology infrastructure and how it will support the operations and continued growth of the organization. It should also take into account any future technological developments that may affect the organization, and how the technology roadmap will need to adapt to these changes.

The target state vision must be specific and actionable, and it must provide clear direction for the organization as it works toward its digital transformation goals. It must also be flexible and open to review as the organization's needs and priorities change over time.

The methods and methodologies that will be adopted:
Methods and methodologies are an important component of a digital transformation technology roadmap, as they define the specific technologies that an organization plans to adopt and implement in order to achieve its digital transformation goals. The technologies included in a roadmap should be based on the goals and objectives of the organization, and should take into account an assessment of the current state of the organization and the vision of the target state.

There are many different types of technologies that an organization might consider as part of a digital transformation effort. These can include:

Cloud computing:

  Cloud computing is a type of technology that enables organizations to store, process, and manage data and applications using remote servers that are accessed over the Internet, rather than on local servers or personal computers. There are many benefits to using cloud computing as part of a digital transformation technology roadmap:

Cost savings: By using cloud-based services, organizations can reduce their need for expensive hardware and IT infrastructure, and can pay for only the resources they use on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Scalability: Cloud-based services can be easily scaled up or down to meet the changing needs of an organization, allowing it to quickly and easily adjust its computing capacity as needed.

Improve efficiency: Cloud-based services can improve an organization's efficiency by providing fast and easy access to data and applications from anywhere, and by enabling an organization to focus on its core competencies rather than managing its IT infrastructure.

Enhanced security: Cloud-based services often have strong security measures to protect data and applications, which can be more secure than storing data on local servers or personal computers.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML):

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are technologies that enable computers to perform tasks and make decisions without the need for explicit programming. Artificial intelligence involves the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as recognizing patterns, learning from data, and making decisions. Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that involves the use of algorithms to enable computers to learn and improve their performance over time by analyzing data and making predictions or decisions based on that data. There are several ways in which artificial intelligence can be used

Automation: AI and machine learning can be used to automate tasks and processes, freeing employees to focus on more complex or value-adding activities.

Improve decision making: AI and machine learning can analyze data and provide insights and recommendations that can help organizations make more informed decisions.

Personalization: AI and machine learning can be used to customize products and services for individual customers, improving customer experience and increasing loyalty.

Predictive maintenance: Artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used to identify patterns and predict when equipment is likely to fail, allowing organizations to proactively address maintenance needs and reduce downtime.

Internet of Things (IoT):

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of connected devices and systems that can communicate with each other and exchange data over the Internet. These devices can include a wide range of things, from consumer devices such as smart thermostats and security cameras, to industrial equipment such as sensors and control systems. There are several ways in which the Internet of Things can be used as part of a digital transformation technology roadmap:

Real-time data collection: IoT devices can collect data in real time, allowing organizations to make more informed decisions based on current conditions and trends.

Automation: IoT devices can be used to automate tasks and processes, freeing employees to focus on more complex or value-adding activities.

Predictive maintenance: IoT devices can be used to monitor equipment and predict the need for maintenance, allowing organizations to proactively address maintenance needs and reduce downtime.

Enhanced customer experience: IoT devices can be used to enhance customer experience by providing personalized products and services based on real-time data and customer preferences.


Blockchain is a type of distributed ledger technology (DLT) that enables the creation of secure and transparent systems for tracking and verifying transactions. There are several ways in which blockchain can be used as part of a digital transformation technology roadmap:

Supply Chain Management: Blockchain can be used to track the movement of purchases through the supply chain, providing a secure and transparent record of transactions.

Financial Transactions: Blockchain can be used to facilitate secure and efficient financial transactions, including cryptocurrency exchanges.

Identity verification: Blockchain can be used to securely store and verify identity information, potentially replacing traditional methods such as government-issued identification.

Intellectual Property: Blockchain can be used to protect and manage intellectual property, allowing organizations to track and verify ownership and use of patented or copyrighted material.

  Data analytics:

Data analytics is the process of using data and statistical techniques to extract insights and inform business decisions. It involves collecting, organizing, and analyzing data from a variety of sources, such as transaction data, customer interactions, and sensor data. There are several ways in which data analytics can be used as part of a digital transformation technology roadmap:

Decision making: Data analytics can provide organizations with insights and recommendations that can help them make more informed decisions.

Customer segmentation: Data analytics can be used to identify and understand different customer segments, allowing organizations to tailor their products and services to meet the needs of specific groups.

Process improvement: Data analytics can be used to identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks in business processes, and suggest ways to improve them.

Predictive modeling: Data analytics can be used to identify patterns and trends in data and to make predictions about future outcomes, allowing organizations to proactively address potential problems and opportunities.

Data analytics is a key component of many digital transformation efforts, and is being adopted by a wide range of industries and organizations as they look to gain a competitive advantage through the use of data-driven insights.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR):

Virtual reality and augmented reality are technologies that enable the creation of immersive computer-generated experiences. Virtual reality involves using a headset or other device to completely immerse the user in a virtual environment, while augmented reality involves overlaying digital information into the real world. There are several ways in which VR and AR can be used as part of a digital transformation technology roadmap:

Training and Education: Virtual and augmented reality can be used to create immersive training and learning experiences, allowing organizations to provide more effective and engaging learning opportunities.

Collaboration: VR and AR can be used to facilitate collaboration between remote teams, allowing them to work together in a virtual environment as if they were in the same physical location.

Product Design and Visualization: VR and AR can be used to visualize and test products in a virtual environment, allowing organizations to design and iterate more efficiently. Customer Experience: VR and AR can be used to improve customer experience by providing immersive and personalized products and services.

Virtual and augmented reality technologies are still emerging technologies, but they have the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries and are being explored by a growing number of organizations as they look to achieve their digital transformation goals.

Implementation plan:
An implementation plan is a key component of a digital transformation technology roadmap, as it outlines the steps that will be taken to implement the technologies described in the roadmap. The implementation plan should be based on the goals and objectives of the organization, and should take into account the assessment of the current state of the organization, the vision of the target state, and the specific technologies to be adopted. There are several key elements that can be included in an implementation plan:

Resource allocation: This section should identify the resources required to implement the technologies, including staff, budget, and infrastructure.

Training and Support: This section should describe the training and support that will be provided to ensure that employees are able to use the new technologies effectively.

Integration and Adoption: This section should describe how new technologies will be integrated into the organization's existing systems and processes, and how they will be adopted by employees and other stakeholders.

Risk Management: This section should identify any potential risks or challenges that may arise during the implementation process, and determine how to manage and mitigate them.

Communication Plan: This section should describe how the organization will communicate about digital transformation efforts and new technologies that are being implemented, and how it will engage with employees and other stakeholders throughout the process.

The implementation plan must be specific and actionable, and it must provide a clear roadmap for the organization as it works to implement new technologies. It must also be flexible and open to review as the organization's needs and priorities change over time.

Measurement and evaluation:
Measurement and evaluation are an important part of the digital transformation technology roadmap, as they help an organization track its progress toward its goals and assess the impact of its efforts. There are many different metrics an organization may use to measure the success of its digital transformation efforts, including:

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): These are specific metrics used to measure an organization's progress toward its goals. Examples of digital transformation KPIs might include measures of productivity, efficiency, customer satisfaction, or revenue growth.

Return on Investment (ROI): This metric measures the financial performance of digital transformation efforts, and can help an organization determine whether the benefits of new technologies are worth the cost.

User Adoption: This metric measures the extent to which new technologies are being used by employees and other stakeholders, and can help an organization determine whether it is being effectively adopted and integrated into the organization's operations.

Customer feedback: This metric measures customer feedback and satisfaction with new technologies, and can help an organization understand how it is perceived and used in the marketplace.

Process Improvements: This metric measures any improvements in an organization's operations or processes as a result of new technologies, and can help an organization understand the impact of digital transformation on its operations.

It is important to regularly measure and evaluate the progress of digital transformation efforts, use the results of these assessments to inform future decisions and adjust the roadmap as needed.

After this lengthy presentation, it is clear that the process of transitioning towards digital work models is not an easy matter, as it is a multiple process, which makes building a roadmap

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The Green Library: A Strategic Approach to Environmental Sustainability and Confronting Climate Change

The world is facing unprecedented consequences of climate change, as terms of pollution, e-waste, and depletion of natural resources have become part of our daily lives.

Libraries of the twenty-first century have the ability to address issues of sustainability and play a leading role in favor of the environment, by developing green libraries and providing a comprehensive work approach based on a clear interpretation of the concept of green libraries and procedures and practices that can contribute to the development of a green library.

What is meant by the Green Library?

The concept of green libraries has gained increasing momentum and popularity in recent years as libraries and institutions have become more aware of the need to reduce their negative impact on the environment.

Many library professionals have recognized the importance of sustainability and have taken steps to make their libraries environmentally friendly. This includes implementing green initiatives in their operations, such as energy-efficient lighting and heating systems, recycling programs, and sustainable design elements in their buildings. These practices may include the use of energy-efficient lighting and heating systems, recycling and the use of environmentally friendly products and materials. In addition to these operational practices.

The Green Library focuses on promoting environmental awareness and sustainability among its users, through educational programs and events, and by providing resources and materials on these topics. Ultimately, the goal of a green library is to balance the need to provide quality library services with the need to be environmentally responsible and sustainable.

In general, focusing on books and media is no longer sufficient to convey knowledge and information. When we reflect on the tasks of green libraries, we must at least focus strongly on people in the local environment and their needs in the field of climate change by developing libraries to be a place of inspiration, innovation and creating spaces for learning.

Librarians fight against climate change.

In recent years, librarians have become more concerned with making their buildings environmentally friendly. But the buildings are just the tip of the iceberg. When looking at libraries as cultural community centers, in addition to the trust that librarians enjoy among the multiple community segments they serve, whether this audience is school and university students or companies and institutions, we find in this an opportunity that enables them to reach their communities and build strong relationships and networks. In an excellent position to become community leaders and models of environmental responsibility, this course includes climate change and what needs to be done to scale up community-led action to adapt to the climate crisis.

Librarians can be influencers and effective individuals in addressing climate issues. They make a collective effort to advance environmental education and climate action for the future. And since current education systems are not always well supportive in learning about the climate change crisis, libraries and librarians are the bridge that can fill this gap by supporting environmental literacy and sustainability efforts in their communities. In the next paragraph of the article we explain in more detail some of the ways libraries and librarians can go about promoting a green library presence:

1- Providing resources and information on climate change and sustainability:
Library staff can help visitors locate books, videos, and other materials related to climate change and sustainability, as well as provide information about organizations and research centers that specialize in these topics. In addition, libraries can host events and programs related to climate change and sustainability, such as talks or discussions with local experts, film screenings, and workshops. Libraries can also facilitate access to digital resources, such as subscription databases and other online resources, which can help visitors explore climate change and sustainability in more detail. This is in addition to using digital tools and training courses to promote environmental education and awareness, enabling them to reach a wider audience and provide people with the knowledge and resources they need to reduce their environmental impact and make more sustainable choices in their daily lives.

2- Enhancing the efficiency of energy-saving systems:
Libraries can implement various measures in order to reduce their energy consumption and save costs. Some of the measures include:

Use energy-efficient lighting, as well as upgrade to energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, such as those using geothermal or solar energy. Libraries could also consider installing solar panels or other alternative energy sources to reduce carbon emissions.

Use programmable thermostats to automatically adjust the temperature in the library according to the time and number of people present and encourage library users to turn off lights and electronics when not in use.

Use digital tools to track and manage energy use. For example, the library may use sensors to track energy use in its facilities, and use software to analyze data and identify opportunities to improve efficiency. This may include making changes to processes or equipment, or providing employees with information and guidance on how to use energy more efficiently.

Insulate the building to keep it more energy efficient and encourage the use of natural light as much as possible, for example by installing skylights or using window sensors to control the amount of sunlight entering the building.

By implementing these and other energy saving measures, libraries can reduce their energy consumption and save on energy costs while also helping to protect the environment.

3- Adopting innovative and emerging smart technologies

There are a number of innovative and smart technologies that are being used or developed for use in green libraries. Some examples of these technologies include:

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology: The use of RFID in libraries can help reduce the environmental impact of library operations in several ways. For example, RFID reduces the need for paper, as it allows library staff to track materials electronically and helps improve library inventory accuracy, reducing the need for physical searches and material handling. This is in addition to improving the efficiency of library operations by automating tasks such as check-in and check-out, allowing library staff to focus on other responsibilities.
Adopt big data and analytics: Big data and analytics are used in green libraries to improve efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of library operations. For example, libraries can use data and analytics to track and monitor energy use, identifying areas where they can reduce consumption and improve efficiency. Libraries use data and analytics to track the use of their collections, identifying patterns and trends that can help them better understand the needs and interests of their users. In addition, libraries can use data and analytics to measure and track their carbon footprint, and identify areas where they can reduce their environmental impact.
Moving to cloud computing: Cloud computing helps libraries reduce their energy consumption and carbon emissions, as libraries can access cloud services to store and manage their digital collections, eliminating the need for physical servers and other devices. The cloud also enables libraries to access resources from anywhere, eliminating the need for physical storage space. In addition, cloud computing can help libraries reduce costs by enabling them to access computing resources on an as-needed basis. Libraries can also take advantage of cloud-based services to reduce costs related to licensing and maintaining software.

4- Use digital tools to communicate and collaborate: With email, messaging apps, video conferencing, and other digital tools, people can communicate and work together without having to print documents or travel long distances. This can save paper, reduce energy use, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. In addition, using digital tools to communicate and collaborate can also save time and money, as people can connect and work together more easily regardless of their location.

5- Sustainability of digital preservation systems: Digital preservation systems help preserve digital content and make it available for future use. This reduces the need for physical storage of materials, which can help reduce costs and improve library sustainability. Digital preservation can be sustainable if managed responsibly. Digital preservation practices should include reducing energy consumption, waste and pollution. This can be done by switching to renewable energy sources and investing in energy efficient digital equipment. In addition, digital preservation must include the reuse and recycling of digital equipment and materials. By using sustainable digital preservation practices, libraries can reduce their environmental footprint and create a more sustainable digital ecosystem.

6- Partnership with local organizations: Libraries can work with local organizations and government agencies to support sustainability and climate change efforts in society. For example, libraries may partner with organizations to promote recycling or energy conservation, or they may work with local government to advocate for sustainable policies and practices. By working with local organizations and government, libraries can help raise awareness about sustainability and climate change and can play a role in promoting conservation and action in their communities.

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Increase faculty flexibility through self-regulatory skills

Think back to the day you were hired as a faculty member—whether that appointment was tenured, full-time, or adjunct. what do you feel? Excitement, eagerness, anticipation, nervousness, the list goes on, many would say, is often about anticipation, hope, and great achievement.

In reality, what happens and like any good relationship, this passion doesn't last unless we rekindle it. As the days go by we can feel the emotional exhaustion of the job, sometimes to the point of gloom and dread because you have to get up the next day to go to work again, no matter what position you hold.

With the increase of these feelings, we may reach the stage of job burnout, or what some call job burnout. A PhD study by Scott Edward Dunbar (2017) revealed that emotional burnout toward the job occurs for both faculty members who work within university walls or online at a similar rate. It is a common problem for many faculty members who work long hours, face challenging deadlines, and deal with the pressures of teaching and research.

Experts at the Mayo Clinic define burnout as a special kind of work-related stress - a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of decreased achievement, loss of personal identity or a sense of helplessness. the individual and his capabilities. Therefore, we see that they do not need the doctor as much as they need the educator in order to reignite the feelings of excitement that occurred on the first day.

Self-regulation skills to deal with job burnout

To revive these positive feelings, teachers need soft skills and organizational skills to reduce feelings of burnout. Regardless of the external resources faculty members draw from, self-regulatory skills are the most accessible and most effective. Self-regulatory skills play a vital role in maintaining faculty members' well-being, preventing burnout and managing their thoughts, emotions and behaviors effectively, allowing them to handle challenging work situations with ease. In this article, we focus on four strategies to combat work-induced emotional exhaustion.

The first strategy: Setting realistic, achievable goals

“All successful people have a purpose,” says Norman Vincent Peale, author of The Power of Positive Thinking. Nobody can get anywhere unless they know where they want to go and what they want to be or do."

Goal setting is important for self-regulation because it provides a clear roadmap for personal and professional development. By setting specific, measurable, and achievable goals, university faculty can focus their attention and efforts on what matters most, improving their ability to reach desired results. Having specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals helps faculty members prioritize their assignments, allocate their time and resources effectively, and track their progress. Moreover, setting goals motivates and inspires faculty members to continuously strive for excellence and enhance their skills. It also allows them to stay focused and avoid distractions, which leads to increased productivity and job satisfaction. In addition, regularly monitoring progress and celebrating successes helps build self-confidence, motivation, and a growth mindset. Self-regulation through goal setting also promotes accountability and encourages individuals to take ownership of their actions and decisions. It allows individuals to proactively manage their time, energy and resources, reduce stress and avoid burnout

The second strategy: Set limits on what you will do

Setting work boundaries is an important aspect of self-regulation and work-life balance for teachers. By setting clear expectations for work responsibilities and personal time, educators can effectively manage their workload and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Setting boundaries helps reduce stress and burnout, improve job satisfaction, and create a positive learning environment for students. For example, setting clear work hours and setting aside time for personal and family activities can help prevent work from spilling over into personal life and vice versa. It is important that these limits are regularly reassessed and adjusted as needed to ensure they continue to support well-being and working effectiveness. And always keep in mind when you will work and when you will not work. Schedules can be a very effective self-regulation skill. At first you may need to create a detailed schedule, but after a few weeks or semesters, that schedule will stick to the mind's memory and feel automatic. Eventually, you will be able to move forward with your original schedule. To achieve this, know what you need to tackle first and what can wait. Some ways to do this is to save important information and make it available everywhere. Boundary setting involves being able to say "no" when necessary in order to prevent burnout or from multitasking.

  The third strategy: self-awareness and identifying strengths and weaknesses

Stephen Covey says, “Self-awareness is our ability to stand apart from ourselves and examine our thinking, our motivations, our histories, our scripts, our actions, our habits and our inclinations.

Have you asked yourself what time is best for your brain? Are you a morning person, where your brain is at its best early in the morning and you can get incredibly accomplished? Or are you that person in whom the mind is at its most active at night?

When you have self-awareness, you can use this information and yours to set up your day in a positive and productive way.

What do you know about your emotions and managing them? Do you go for a walk or practice deep breathing when upset? Do you use funny gifs or memes in emails with co-workers or communicating with students?

Knowing about the different challenges and feelings you feel can help you be better prepared when you start to think or feel a certain way. Faculty members need to recognize their feelings in order to deal with them effectively.. Teaching is a service profession and teachers work in the service of others. Faculty members need to decide what breaks they need and when they need to be separated to recharge. The literature suggests that those who are directly involved in everyday “helping professions” (such as university teaching) often expend more emotional energy performing their daily responsibilities than those professionals who interact with “things” rather than people. It is also known that those in the helping professions are prime candidates for burnout if they do not practice energy management.

On the other hand, self-awareness is a critical component of the self-regulation of university staff because it allows them to identify their own strengths and weaknesses, which leads to more informed decision-making and improved performance. By taking the time to reflect on their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, university staff can gain insight into their own habits and tendencies. This introspection process helps them learn about their areas of expertise and where they need improvement. By increasing their self-awareness, university staff can make meaningful changes in their habits and behaviour, leading to more efficient and effective self-regulation. In short, self-awareness is the basis for the self-regulation of university staff, providing a deeper understanding of their abilities, limitations, and potential. By identifying and building on their strengths, and improving on their weaknesses, they can become more effective and confident in their roles, which ultimately contributes to their success as college professionals.

The fourth strategy: the use of modern technologies for self-regulation

Faculty members can also benefit from using modern technologies for self-regulation. With tools such as productivity apps, time tracking software, and project management tools, faculty members can stay organized, prioritize their assignments, and manage their time effectively. They can also use virtual reality tools and simulations to practice and improve their teaching skills and better manage classroom dynamics. Furthermore, the use of a Learning Management System (LMS) can support the self-organization of faculty members, by providing them with a centralized platform to organize course materials, assign and grade assignments, and track student progress. This can help faculty members organize their workload and manage their time more effectively, allowing them to focus on their teaching responsibilities. In addition, a Learning Management System (LMS) can provide faculty members with the ability to receive real-time feedback on their teaching practices through analysis and evaluation tools. This can help them organize their teaching style and make improvements based on the feedback received. Furthermore, an LMS can also provide opportunities for self-reflection and self-evaluation, allowing faculty members to reflect on their own teaching practices and identify areas for improvement.

Based on the foregoing, we can assert that self-regulation skills play an important role in increasing the flexibility of faculty members and reducing job burnout. By developing skills such as time management, goal setting, and stress management, faculty members can better manage their workload and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Self-regulatory skills help faculty members adapt to new and changing situations, respond to student needs, and deal with Unexpected events in a more effective and efficient manner. This, in turn, can lead to improved job satisfaction and a better overall experience for both faculty and students.

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Towards an effective measurement of the maturity of knowledge management in institutions

With the launch of many national strategic visions for many countries in our Arab world; Saudi Vision 2030, Egypt Vision 2030, Emirates Vision 2030, Qatar Vision 2030, Bahrain 2030, Kuwait Vision 2035, Oman Vision 2040, and the economic momentum accompanying the launch of each of these visions supports the principles and goals of sustainable development referred to by the United Nations. Government agencies and private sector institutions in those countries have a common awareness of the necessity of serious work and concerted institutional efforts to achieve the agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were launched in 2015. Since that date, reports have been issued to follow up and update what is happening in terms of trading at the level of each of the 17 goals. And referred to at the beginning of this article, the most recent of which was an annual report issued at the beginning of this year 2023. .

In support of this approach, the “Knowledge Summit 2019” was held under the slogan “Knowledge: The path to sustainable development” to discuss strategic plans, methodologies and road maps to achieve sustainable development until 2030, by investing in people, building their creative capacities, and stimulating innovation. Innovation and dissemination of knowledge management culture at the enterprise level.

From this angle, it may appear that dealing with knowledge and its management is an approach with an economic dimension only, or that this dimension captures institutional interest and is given priority within the focus list of countries with those aforementioned visions, but the reality of the matter indicates that the social depth is the oldest tributary that feeds the concept of knowledge and the motivation The incentive to manage it, and then comes the economic aspect to highlight the added value and the returns achieved as a result of the conscious management of knowledge, and from here we find that the relentless pursuit by various countries, whether developing or developed, to build a knowledge society is a legitimate and justified ambition, just as the concern for advancement in The knowledge management maturity ladder has become a sustainable goal for institutions, whether governmental or non-governmental, within those countries, which necessarily requires an objective measure to determine the maturity of each of those institutions in knowledge management, which will be addressed in the following lines.

Knowledge management is no longer an option but an imperative

With the beginnings of the emergence of the term “knowledge society” and the accompanying implications of thinking about the nature of knowledge and the challenges associated with dealing with its two main categories: the phenomenon, the “explicit” and the “tacit”, the concept of knowledge management needed more clarification, especially with the formation of real needs among institutions to manage their knowledge assets and work on Reusing and maximizing the benefits of it, along with the great leaps in communication and information technologies, and although the classic definition of knowledge management, which is “making the appropriate knowledge available in the right form and at the right time for the right person,” was characterized by much simplicity and thus easy to remember, it is Despite its simplicity, it raised a number of questions, such as: What is meant by appropriate knowledge? What is the nature of its availability? What are the forms in which this knowledge is available? What is the access channels? Then what about the appropriate time for availability in light of the relativity that accompanies “time” whenever it is mentioned in a context, for the knowledge that is suitable for a person or a community now may not be appropriate for another person or a community who shares the same time, but also a place, as well as the knowledge that is appropriate for a person or a community in a period The time period he is going through may not suit him in a period of time, whether it is prior to or subsequent to that immediate period that he is experiencing.

With the multiplicity and diversity of definitions that have been developed for knowledge management, the definition developed by Thomas Davenport, in which he indicated that knowledge management "is the process of capturing, distributing and effective use of knowledge" [1]. It is the basis from which many writers and theorists of several specialized backgrounds set out to develop procedural definitions of knowledge management, and perhaps the best of these definitions from my point of view and the most comprehensive and expressive of the essence of knowledge management are two definitions, one of which defines it in terms of its components, which is what De Stricker mentioned, where she referred to Knowledge management is “the policies, practices, agreements, and customs associated with exploring, possessing, or capturing and storing knowledge to make it available in the future, deal with it, and share it in a way that reflects positively on the organization’s work procedures.”[2] The federal government in the UAE is the “organized management of knowledge assets in the entity with the aim of creating added value and meeting strategic needs; It includes all initiatives, processes and systems that produce, acquire, categorize, store, disseminate, and use/reuse knowledge.”[3]

And now that we are at the beginning of 2023, there is no longer a need to highlight the value of knowledge and the need to work on activating the concept of rational knowledge management in various institutions, as it has become evident that many countries of the world are keen to include knowledge and encourage its management and governance in their national political and economic visions in pursuit of sustainable development. Rather, some of these countries have issued laws to establish knowledge management centers in institutions, as is the case in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, in an effort to enhance the building of a knowledge society in the country, and for each institution to achieve the optimal investment for its balance of knowledge, in addition to reaping various returns at the organizational level, such as Institutional agility, efficiency and effectiveness of decision-making, increased competitiveness, speed of problem-solving, increased space for creativity and innovation, zeroing the possibility of losing institutional knowledge in return for doubling its sharing opportunities, maximizing the use of knowledge assets available in the institution, and maintaining a retention of vital specialized expertise and knowledge. that employees and experts carry in their minds even after they leave the organization or retire, in anticipation and avoidance of what is known as losing The institution for its knowledge Loss

Is there a way to measure the maturity of the organization in knowledge management? The answer is yes

It is well known that what cannot be measured cannot be managed, and knowledge, despite its special nature as a water resource, does not run out by taking and taking from it. ..etc., which require a special pattern and method in measurement, methodology and tool to make this measurement quantitative so as to enable an objective judgment on the results of the evaluation based on evidence and proofs, and guided by clear and specific KPIs, which enables the returns of the knowledge management application referred to. To the aforementioned, identify weaknesses that need improvement and knowledge gaps that require filling, and then develop a strategic plan and an executable roadmap for knowledge management in the institution.

In this context, and in pursuit of effective measurement of knowledge management, one of the prominent centers, the American Productivity & Quality Center- APQC[4], with which Naseej Academy has a strategic cooperation relationship and a partnership agreement in training and institutional development, has developed a tool to measure the level of maturity Institutions in knowledge management. Known as the Knowledge Management Capability Assessment Tool (KM CAT) [5], this tool provides a clear and accurate methodology for measuring and evaluating the ability and adequacy of an organization in managing its knowledge along the five maturity levels shown in Figure 1. It covers the following: Through a number of questions about various aspects of knowledge management to explore its status within the institution; Beginning with its strategy for knowledge management if it exists, through the financial allocations and human resources directed for this purpose, the governance of knowledge management, the policies, processes and procedures that are carried out in accordance with it, and ending with the technologies relied upon, and the criteria and indicators for performance evaluation, and each of these elements is given a quantitative estimate.

Each of these five levels of maturity is related to the characteristics and state of knowledge management that the institution has and the results or returns resulting from it. You have the knowledge you have, which positively affects the workflow. Followed by the second level: the level of development, where the focus of the institution is on conducting an initial review of its knowledge management strategy, and ensuring that it is in line with the strategy of the parent institution. Also, at this level, available development opportunities are identified to activate the approach of sharing and transferring knowledge, while evaluating and documenting them clearly. And it is accurate under a disciplined framework of governance, then comes the third level: calibration level, where the focus is on achieving standards in applying knowledge management and related procedures and procedures and achieving excellence in supervising the knowledge management system as a whole, and in an accurate setting. and specific performance measurements and indicators, while capturing lessons learned and shared, followed by the fourth level: the level of improvement, in which the basic structure of knowledge management is completed in a standard manner, and develops expanding the scope of launching and implementing knowledge management initiatives throughout the institution as a whole, and working on developing and marketing an integrated strategy for the standard methods and procedures that the institution follows in knowledge management, with Relentless pursuit of continuous improvement. Finally, the fifth level comes: the level of innovation, which is characterized by providing full support for the continuous improvement of the knowledge management system by the senior management of the institution, which opens the door wide for innovation, whether at the level of operations or procedures, in order to ensure the activation of continuous improvement in all aspects of knowledge management in the institution.

In conclusion, we can emphasize that the quantitative measurement of knowledge management must be carried out in the light of the external environment and the prevailing organizational culture in the institution, and therefore it is important that the measurement procedures be preceded by a comprehensive and accurate survey of this environment using each of the factors analysis of the external environment PESTLE, which focuses on political and economic factors SWOC, which focuses on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and sources of challenge for the organization, which enables building a clear foundational vision of the organization's ability and maturity in managing its knowledge, that vision is built to consciously extract the results of environmental analysis, extrapolation and conscious interpretation of the nature of the environment in which the institution lives and seeks to serve its members in their various groups and the diversity of their knowledge needs, in order to ensure the development of a future strategic plan for knowledge management that is effective and implementable.


[1] Davenport, Thomas H. (1994), Saving IT's Soul: Human Centered Information management. Harvard Business Review, March-April, 72 (2)pp. 119-131. Duhon, Bryant (1998), It's All in Our Heads. Information, September, 12 (8).

[2] De Stricker, Ulla, ed. (2013) Knowledge Management Practice in Organizations: The View from Inside. Information Science Reference. Hershey, PA, 2013. 230 p.m.

[3] Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (2017) Guidelines for Knowledge Management in the Federal Government. Abu Dhabi: Authority.


[4] The American Productivity & Quality Center- APQC is a non-profit organization founded in 1977 and is one of the leading institutions in performance measurement, best practices, process and performance improvement, and knowledge management:

Helping Organizations Work Smarter, Faster, and with Greater Confidence | APQC

[5] https://www.apqc.org/what-we-do/benchmarking/assessment-survey/knowledge-management-capability-assessment-tool



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Using learning management systems to develop the workforce and increase productivity

Throughout history, technological revolutions have played a major role in changing the workforce: they create new forms and patterns of work, and push others to disappear, and because the workforce is the most important asset in any organization, and one of the main factors in its success, it is necessary for organizations to realize the value of the workforce and the importance of developing them and providing them with the best skills in order to enable them to perform better.

Today, more than ever, opportunities for employee development are increasing in the presence of revolutionary technology, which has changed the way we work and learn and opened up new opportunities for employee development. In the past few decades, we have witnessed unprecedented technological developments that changed the workplace, as well as the nature of work. This includes training and development, which is no longer immune to the impact of technology. In fact, training and development has become one of the most affected areas in the workplace due to its reliance on technology, which has enabled us to provide more efficient and effective training.

Although online training and development tools are becoming increasingly popular, many employers are finding that a Learning Management System (LMS) provides training and development that adds value to the employee experience and enables organizations to harness the power of technology by providing employees Have access to a variety of digital tools and resources and encourage creativity and innovation directed at developing new products and services that can be used to increase the organization's market share, as well as its profitability.

What is meant by e-learning management system?

Learning Management Systems are online platforms that allow organizations to create, manage, and deliver educational and training materials. They can be used to support a variety of objectives, including employee onboarding and development and compliance training. An LMS can also be used to create online courses and training materials for use by customers, partners, and other external stakeholders.

The global LMS industry is witnessing a continuous rise in its revenues, with digital or e-learning being the fastest growing market in the education industry. It has grown by 900% since 2000. On a global level, the learning management systems market is valued at about US$ 14.43 billion in 2021. It is expected to increase from US$ 16.9 billion in 2022 to US$ 40.95 billion by 2029 with a growth rate Compound annualized 14.2%. The LMS market is expected to reach $30 billion (29.9 billion) by 2025, with an annual growth rate of 21.1%.

Learning management systems for workforce development

Learning management systems (LMS) have become an essential tool for companies and educational institutions to manage and deliver educational materials to their employees or students. A learning management system can improve workforce performance and improve work environments in several ways. Here are some examples:

Distance working:

LMS allows employees to access training materials from anywhere, anytime, on any device. This means that employees can learn from home, while traveling, or from other remote locations. This is especially beneficial for companies with a distributed workforce or for companies that have had to adjust to remote working due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Flexible learning:

With LMS, employees can learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. This means they can juggle learning about their work commitments, which can be especially beneficial for companies that require employees to work outside of normal business hours.

Personalized learning:

An LMS allows companies to customize training content to meet the specific needs of individual employees. This means that training can be tailored to the job roles, skill levels, and learning styles of each employee. A personalized learning approach can help employees learn more effectively and efficiently.

Employee participation:

A Learning Management System (LMS) can help improve employee engagement by providing them with opportunities to learn and develop new skills. This can lead to increased job satisfaction, motivation, and retention.

Data-driven insights:

LMS provides companies with data-driven insights into employee learning and development. This data can be used to identify skill gaps, track employee progress, and measure the impact of training on business performance.

Overall, LMS is transforming work environments by providing more flexibility, personalization, and data-driven insights into employee learning and development. This can lead to greater employee engagement, better performance, and a more flexible and adaptable workforce.


Learning management system to promote a culture of diversity and inclusion

In today's world, it is crucial for organizations to provide an inclusive environment for their employees. This includes ensuring that persons with disabilities have equal access to training and development opportunities. A learning management platform can be an effective tool for reaching people and employees with disabilities.

A learning management platform can provide several benefits to organizations looking to reach people and employees with disabilities. By providing access, personalization, inclusive training, more flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, learning management platforms can help organizations foster a culture of diversity and inclusion and ensure that everyone has equal opportunities in training and development.

How to optimize use

Although a Learning Management System (LMS) can help employees improve productivity, increase efficiency, and develop skills, the success of an LMS program depends on the employee's convictions. If employees are not interested in using the system, the program will not work. Therefore, it is important for LMS program managers to understand how to improve employees' use of the LMS, to get the most out of their online training, which can be done through the following:

Understanding employee needs
The first strategy is to understand the needs of employees. This means that it is important to understand what employees expect from the LMS program. For example, employees need to understand how the program works, the benefits the program offers, and how it can help them improve their skills. As long as there are clear and precise goals to be achieved, there will be more motivation to achieve them.

This information can be obtained through employee interviews, online surveys, or focus groups. Market research can also be done to better understand the tastes and preferences of the employees. This information will allow LMS program managers to design a program that best fits the needs of the employees.

dynamic teaching
To ensure successful accreditation of an LMS programme, eLearning instructors must be able to keep learners motivated in the learning process. This requires teachers to participate in creating content and suggesting activities. The content should be relevant to the interests and needs of the learners, as well as engaging and interactive. Teachers should also provide guidance on how to use the platform effectively (eg, how to navigate the platform), encourage forum discussions, open discussion topics, upload content and news, reward achievements, etc.

The use of gamification
Gamification is an excellent tool for improving employee engagement in your LMS. Gamification allows employees to interact with the software in a fun and entertaining way. This can help employees feel more motivated and engaged in the program. Gamification can also help employees improve their skills in a fun way. For example, gamification can allow employees to practice specific skills through an interactive environment. This can help employees develop their skills more effectively.

4. Using web-based learning tools
Web-based learning tools are an excellent way to improve employee engagement in an LMS program. One example is the technology provided by Drupal for managing content on websites, which allows employees to interact with content. This means that employees can watch videos, listen to music, read articles and take exams. This can help employees better understand the topics and develop their skills more efficiently.

In addition, web-based learning tools can help employees feel more involved in the program. This means that employees can see their progress and receive immediate feedback. This can help employees feel motivated to continue participating in the program.

In summary, learning management systems can contribute significantly to job creation and knowledge-based innovation, through the provision of training and educational materials by these systems, which can help them acquire new skills and knowledge and secure better job opportunities. It also allows organizations to train their existing employees, which can lead to improved job performance and productivity. In addition, learning management systems can promote continuous learning and professional development, which can lead to the creation of new ideas and innovations. As such, organizations and individuals should consider investing in these platforms to stay ahead of the curve and succeed in the rapidly changing and competitive job market.

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